Thursday, April 10, 2014


17 years ago I was just a baby myself some would say. Senior in high school with the world at my finger tips. Most of my friends were deciding on whether they wanted to go to this college or that college. Some where even contemplating the military. Most were elbow deep in college applications and Prom dress shopping. I on the otherhand had other decisions to make.... Like did I want a Winnie the Pooh nursery set or a Precious Memories one. Mom was not a title I thought I would have at 18 but it's one I got on April 6,1997. She was 6 weeks early and 5 lbs/8 oz when she graced us with her presence on that Sunday afternoon. It was a long labor that had started on a Friday. Her first year of life was filled with a couple hospital visits for RSV and respiratory MRSA and chicken pox by the time she was 9 mos old. And the years to follow have been happy and stressful all together. She has taught me a lot about what being a mother is. I just hope one day she understands the choices I've made and why I did what I did to make us happy. Happy 17th Emily Caitlin!!

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